Healthy Relationships for Teens MASTER CLASS
for Educators, Counselors & Administrators
"There is an enormous gap right now between what teens need surrounding their sexual health and safety and current, relevant, compassionate information about those topics. This gap exists between young adults and parents and between young adults and schools, programs, and organizations trying their best to address it.
Carpenter offers teachers, parents, friends and organizations more skills and techniques than simply 'teaching' young people how to not get raped or not rape anyone. She honors the complexity that the topic of sexuality plays in our current culture and hands us tools that provide an opportunity to experience more strength and honor and less regret, guilt, and shame."
– Charis Denison, founder of Prajna Consulting,
TEDx speaker, youth advocate & human development expert
Wednesday, April 24th
6-7 pm EST | FREE
According to a recent survey, 51% of high school girls & 26% of high school boys have experienced peer-on-peer sexual violence.
Discover how we — as educators, counselors and administrators — can equip teens with the right knowledge, tools, and insight to reduce the risk of sexual assault.
Join psychotherapist and trauma expert, Amy Carpenter for an exploration of the types of conversations that empower teens and young adults to set personal boundaries, protect themselves online and develop safety within their friendship groups.
Fill out the form below to register for this FREE Master Class with Amy, April 24th at 6 p.m. EST (Zoom link will be provided!)
Amy Carpenter, LCSW, CYI, is the founder of Be Strong, Be Wise Sexual Safety Education and the author of two books in the bestselling Be Strong, Be Wise series. A long-time youth advocate, Amy believes every young person deserves to learn how to create healthy partnerships and avoid toxic ones. Her book series and programs explore sexual ethics in straightforward terms that build self-knowledge in young people and confidence in adults.